Episode 58: Should I Change or Keep my Last Name After my Divorce?

Inspired by a listener email, we bring you:

"Should I Change or Keep my Last Name?"

It can be a tough decision, but here's our bottom line: YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION RIGHT AWAY!!

If you're struggling with:

Is it okay if I have a different last name than my kids?

Will keeping my spouse's last name prohibit me from moving on after my divorce?


And don't forget, you have the option to keep your martial last name professionally, if that's the best decision for you, and you can go back to your pre marraige last name socially!

As always, we suggest that you run these thoughts about your last name by your therapist to get their opinion.


And Andrea wants you all to remember to not forget YOU in this decision making process. So often, we are consumed by what's best for our children-which is clearly important-but don't forget about you.


Whatever you decide to do, just know that there's no rush in this decision.  

And yes, Major Dick Zucker is a real story. I know...I know.

Hope this episode gave you some insight and a little giggle. 


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You've Got This and WE'VE GOT YOU,

Morgan & Andrea 




Episode 59: Divorce Support for MEN


Episode 57: Gearing Up For Mediation with NYC Mediator and Attorney Joy Rosenthal