Episode103:When the Abuse Gets Worse During the DivorceEmbedEdit

In today’s episode, as crappy as it is - we talk about when the abuse gets worse during divorce. It’s not a fun topic, but we would be doing you a disservice if we didn’t talk about it.

We bring in Katharine Rupp, a family law attorney based in California, who shares insights on the legal process of divorce, the significance of being organized and prepared for legal battles, and the usefulness of tools like Our Family Wizard app (hollaaa!) in co-parenting and divorce documentation. 

Expect to hear strategies for dealing with emotional abuse and conflict, learn the importance of communication and documentation in divorce proceedings, and get practical advice for navigating the divorce process more effectively - as per usual!


Main Takeaways:

*Importance of Our Family Wizard - (OFW) is a valuable tool for organizing divorce-related information in one platform

*Responding to Attacks (so hard- but DON'T attack back)

*Avoid Escalation and Emotional Response (again, so hard)

*Documenting and Communicating

*Seek Support and Guidance

If you want some more information on how to respond to your POS ex, (hee hee) head here:



Ask your attorney if Our Family Wizard would be right for your case. In our opinion, it can only help give you the boundaries you deserve. 


Join our private community for more support. http://www.facebook.com/thehownottosuckatdivorcecommunity



Episode104: How to Get Your Divorce Judge ➡️ "On Your Side" ⬅️ With Retired Los Angeles Judge, Dianna Gould-SaltmanEmbedEdit


Episode102: Listen to This Episode BEFORE You Hire a Divorce Attorney! with Sarah Jacobs and Jamie BergerEmbedEdit